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Best Water Damage Services Company in Houston, TX

When we say we’re the best, it’s because we mean it. Our customer service and knowledge in the water damage remediation field are unparalleled in the Houston, TX area, and beyond. Our technicians not only come trained and certified when working on your home or office, but we also equip them with the industry’s best available equipment and solutions. Count on us the remove as much moisture as possible and any contaminants from sewage and floodwater inside your residential or commercial-sized building. Our certified and trained professionals have seen it all when it comes to fire and water damage. Give us a call today, and we will be happy to begin our inspection process and then deliver an estimate of our recommended comprehensive water damage remediation services.

boots covered with water on wood floor

Water, Fire, and Mold Remediation Services

Dri-fix Restoration of Houston helps home and business owners with more than water damage. If you have suffered fire damage or need mold removal services, count on us to help bring your building back to its pre-damaged state. We will get you access to your building again swiftly, so you can go back to work or enjoy the luxuries of your own space. You do not have to suffer alone when there is a flash flood, accidental fire, or mold growing in your bathroom. By working together, we can repair and replace drywall, flooring, and any other affected area of your business or home to make it look like new. We use professional equipment to remove any affected walls and flooring, then use environmentally-friendly chemical solutions to remove mold and ensure it does not come back.

Emergency Services Available 24/7

Damage from fire and water happen when we least expect them. Even if you can see them coming, they can occur when other teams are unavailable. Dri-fix Restoration of Houston is available to assist with these damages 24/7. We understand the nature of these issues, and the longer they go unattended, the more damage they cause you and your building. Count on us to move in a hurry once you contact us for help. Whether in the middle of the night or the morning of Christmas, our team of experts can be at your home or office to offer solutions when you need us most.

Call the Best Water Damage Services Company in Houston, TX